
WAVBEE For Labels

We help record labels bring their music to the market for free, build their audience, and reach new heights.

wavbee logo

Using our music distribution service, independent record labels can grow their artists across major DSPs and digital stores (see the full list of stores)

We provide services and music distribution for independent labels to reduce their stress and increase their global reach.

WAVBEE takes the hassle away from your music distribution and allows you to focus on being creative and guiding your artists to a brighter future. By working with us, labels can take full advantage of a strategic partnership without spending any money. We offer free plans with premium benefits in contrast with other music distributors. We offer an exclusive tailored service to a selection of quality independent labels.


Distribute across 200+ territories through 100+ digital streaming platforms and stores. When you choose to distribute your labels music through us, you will have them all at the tip of your fingers.


Unlimited artists, unlimited releases, unlimited potential. We want to help your record label succeed and that is our priority. WAVBEE has no restrictions to limit your earning potential or services to your artists.


Our advanced reporting system allows you to keep track of all your artists. You can see how and where your artist's growth is (platforms & location) as well as get detailed data of your label’s revenue and streams.


Wavbee Label Account

We may charge a $4 (₹ 320.00) application fee if you want to include ‘Fee Upload’ option. If your application is rejected the amount will be refunded within 2-7 working days.
~ Minimum Payout is $10

Track Upload Options for Label Account

Free Upload


You keep 80% – 85% Royalties*

You keep 100% Rights

Pro Upload

$6.5 (₹499)/track/year

You keep 100% Royalties

You keep 100% Rights

*85% if your average revenue is more than $2.5/song/month and your account’s total revenue is more than $25/month.
Free tracks are subject to a $2 (₹ 160.00) per track yearly penalty if the average monthly revenue per track falls below $1.6. For example, if you have 10 songs in your account, the total monthly revenue should be over $16.

Note: Free Premium accounts are only available to labels/artists who we think are producing quality content with good potential. Please apply only if you have a demo or catalog of previous works.